Monday, October 1, 2007

G.W short for Global Warming

Recently Bush had some kind of a summit about climate change and he admitted it was a problem. Unfortunately he decided not to do anything about it.

you can check that baby out right there.

You see the problem is that EVERY time you hear about the environmental movement, it all comes to the little people making different decisions. We are the ones who have to recycle. We are the ones who are urged to spend money on the environmental choices and We are the ones who are responsible for it if it doesn't happen. Well I don't agree with that one bit. I do a lot to make sure my decisions are green, but that doesn't stop the products I'm not buying from being produced!

I wish they would just make laws about this stuff. I'm sick of the incentives and tax breaks and other measly things like that to urge going green because they don't seem to work. I toured the water treatment plant of Missoula last year and the man giving the tour who was extremely knowledgeable said that the increased standards of water efficiency in household appliances caused the water usage of the city to remain the same even as the population boomed.

They didn't send a memo saying, "could you please use less water?" They made a law and raised the standards and it worked.

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