Sunday, October 21, 2007

Check it out.

I'm down with this guys opinion. He challenges the whole notion of voting at the cash register. The theory there is that if enough people support sustainable products then industry will wise up and start producing sustainable products. Well, this is in fact a very indirect way to get your point accross to companies.

This guy suggests the following alternative:
Vote with your damn Vote!

Select leaders based on good environmental views. His point is good and its a good story about large scale changes occuring due to political will. That doesn't mean you should give up on those swirly light bulbs and all that good stuff. At least not in my opinion. REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE still applies, but electing leaders who aren't evil, blood-sucking, anti-earth, manipulative, lilly-livered, yellow-bellied, tie-your-damsel- to-the-train-tracks, kind of guys then we'll have a better chance of getting somewhere.


Vote Democrat, act Progressive. That's my policy.

1 comment:

John said...

In addition, it is important that you tell your leaders and the companies you buy products from WHY you make your choices. Write letters and tell your elected officials what you expect them to do to stay elected. Tell companies why you like or hate their product. Even for US Senators, who have very large constituencies, it only takes a dozen or so letters or phone calls to their office on a particular issue to get their attention.